Junxuan (Helen) Shen

junxuan at mit dot edu
100 Main St.
Cambridge, MA, 02142
Hi! My name is Junxuan (Helen) Shen, a first-year PhD student at MIT EECS, where I am honored to be advised by Prof. Thodoris Lykouris. I am currently supported by the Hewlett Packard Fellowship from MIT School of Engineering.
My research focuses on designing online algorithms that involve human-AI interactions, leveraging tools from stochastic processes and optimization. I am particularly interested in building theoretical models that address practical challenges, with a goal of maximizing revenue and/or efficiency.
Before joining MIT, I graduated from Caltech in 2024 with a B.S. degree in computer science and mathematics, where I was fortunate to be mentored by Adam Wierman, Guannan Qu, Nicolas Christianson, and Adam Sheffer, and explored research topics including learning-augmented algorithms, control+learning, and extremal combinatorics.